Coordinated management of shared groundwater in Africa | Challenges and opportunities

Author: Sahara and Sahel Observatory

Published in: 2024


Theme: Water resources management

Type: Plaidoyer



Water is essential for life on Earth as groundwater plays a crucial role in the supply of fresh water. Cooperation between nations is necessary to manage transboundary aquifers, particularly in  Africa where overexploitation and contamination threaten these resources. 

Partnership projects have been carried out, but more efforts are needed to establish strong governance frameworks and ensure equitable access to water while protecting the environment for current and future generations. 

The study titled ‘Coordinated Management of Shared Groundwater in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities’ provides an in-depth analysis of the challenges for effective management of transboundary groundwater in Africa, highlighting the importance of regional cooperation and the establishment of strong governance mechanisms.